


The Intellectual Property Law, N 40 of June 27, 1896, created the Registry for the registration of scientific, literary and artistic property, through  Art. 49, which, pursuant to said body of rules, is established in the Department of Libraries. This entity kept a chronological registry of the works registered and submitted. Pursuant to articles 53, 54 and 60, protection of literary, artistic and scientific works depended on inscription in the registry and legal submission, so that inscription was mandatory for being a holder of a copyright.


In 1982, the  Copyright and Related Rights Law, N.º 6683 was enacted in view of the need to have a legal framework which was adequate for the protection of original literary, artistic or scientific intellectual creations. Article 95 of that body of rules establishes the National Copyright and Related Rights Registry, as an organization within the Public Property Registry. Thus it became an additional organization for registration, pursuant to the desire of legislators to integrate all registries - those indicated in Art. 2.° of the Law for the Creation of the National Registry, N.º 5695, as well as others established by Law - into the National Registry.


The previously mentioned Law N 6683 represented a great advance in the area of copyright and related rights protection not only nationally but regionally. Its fundamental objective is to protect the creations of Costa Rican and foreign authors, pursuant to Art. 2. Regulations related to this law were emitted in 1995, through Executive Decree N 24611-J.


The National Copyright and Related Rights Registry has become a specialized Office, with varied functions which go far beyond registration.

Pursuant to what was stipulated in Law N° 6683, the Copyright and Related Rights Law, and its Regulations, the functions of the Copyright and Related Rights Registry include:

Registration of artistic and literary works, as well as acts or documents concerning juridical businesses of copyright and related rights (contracts, acts of expropriation, etc.)


Guaranteeing  legal security of registered rights with respect to third parties, and providing for their appropriate publicity.


Promoting dissemination of information and knowledge concerning copyright and related rights.

Acting as an information and cooperation agent with national and international organizations.


Providing guidance and overseeing the legal use of protected works. 


Supervising natural or juridical persons who use protected works, interpretations, executions and productions.


Authorizing and revoking authorization of operation of collective management associations.


Others indicated by the Law and its Regulations.


On March 03, 2003, the National Copyright and Related Rights Registry opened a Consulting Office concerning Copyright and Related Rights, which has become an effective mechanism through which specific consultations may be made, either in writing or via fax, telephone, electronic mail, or in person. The Office receives and resolves doubts and concerns concerning the procedure for registration of works, scope of protection, usage licenses, rights transfer contracts, and compliance with rights, among other matters.



